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I am a homeschooling mom of 3 teen boys, wife of a First Responder & Veteran, small business owner (Got a Dream Travel and Statheros Academy), advocate for living life on your own terms, and a lover of travel.

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I cherish bonding with my family through travel. Getting away from the weight of everyday life with the people that I love provides opportunities to connect that we just can’t get as we go through our daily routine. Getting away from the daily grind and sharing new experiences, seeing new sights, trying new food, and exploring the unknown forges deep bonds that unite us so we can face inevitable tough days.

Like many other families, the COVID lock-downs really damaged one of my sons. We experienced some bumpy times and things were tough. We weren’t communicating well and everyone's frustrations were high. In spite of our struggles, something amazing happened when we all traveled together. As soon as we left the house we had something else to focus on, shared experiences, and we had fun!


When we traveled we were able to laugh together and be amazed at the things we were seeing and doing. It didn’t solve our problems (they were still there waiting for us when we got home) but it helped us move forward knowing that underneath it all we were still OK and would get through it. We DID get through it! My son is doing well now. We love taking trips together and each trip is sweeter than the last. My family enjoys dreaming about all the places we want to go and choosing where to go next.


I want to help your family to have amazing travel experiences so you can deepen your bonds and create beautiful memories to cherish for a lifetime. 


Is there anything more precious than families creating memories together?


Well-planned travel that provides opportunities for parents and their kids connect is powerful. Strong relationships can be reinforced and those that are strained can be rejuvenated through interactions that can only happen during a family getaway.


My mission is to help you and your loved ones bond by having the best travel experience possible. I accomplish this through getting to know you, listening to your dreams, preferences, likes and dislikes, and your loved ones' special needs so I can understand your priorities. When everyone’s needs are met and you feel comfortable while away from home, you are free to have fun together.


I pay close attention to detail, and then after careful consideration and research, I present you with options so you can make the best-educated and balanced decision possible. I am committed to thorough customer service with excellence at all times. It’s not enough to just get a job done; I strive to ensure that all needs are met in a timely manner with precise attention to detail.


I would love to help your family escape the mundane and have fun together!

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